An Amazing Partnership- Agency Ingram Micro
Partnerships with corporations only make Girls Inc. of Orange County stronger, and able to pass that along to our strong, smart, and bold girls!
Girls Inc. of Orange County’s (GIOC) partnership with Agency Ingram Micro (AIM) has elevated the look, feel and presence of the Girls Inc. brand for the past two years.
AIM was introduced to us through Girls Inc. Board Member, Jennifer Anaya, SVP Global Marketing for Ingram Micro. Board Member Roeya Vaughan, Chief Commercial Officer at TACORI worked with our staff to pull together a scope of work and help with the Girls Inc. brand refresh.
AIM generously accepted and agreed to do the work pro-bono. The agency dedicated a team of 10 to the project, which resulted in multiple brand deliverables that elevated the GIOC brand, such as PowerPoint Templates, new program logos, event and social media templates, annual reports, a corporate engagement flyer, a 20 page booklet and flyer that introduces girls and donors to GIOC.
The impact of their enticing materials created a more cohesive, uniformed look for all collateral pieces that are seen by girls and donors. It also created time-saving for the staff, not having to spend extra time to re-create new flyer or materials that attract girls to our programs or donors to our events. The uniform look gives new and existing donors confidence about GIOC leadership and impact in the community.
As a result of the collateral materials and “OC Girls Can” campaign, the agency won a 2021 Silver Addy Award for the Girls Inc. Brand Elements, Public Service from the American Advertising Awards.
We are so excited to be beneficiaries of their amazing talents, and share that we have created a tremendous partnership that will continue into 2022.
Do you or your company have talents that you’d like to share with us? Contact Ann @