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Stephanie J. Hull’s Statement on the Affirmative Action Rulings

Girls Inc. is equipping girls to be leaders: they are critical thinkers and problem solvers in an increasingly diverse world where collaboration and compassion are vital to the positive change we seek. For nearly 160 years, we have advocated for equitable access and opportunity, including educational attainment, so that

Title IX Turns 50

Title IX turns 50 on June 22 this year.  Morgan, a Girls Inc. high school senior discusses the changes and advances girls have made and the work still to be done. Morgan is a senior at La Quinta High School in California and is also dual-enrolled at Coastline Community

Congratulating Our 2021-2022 National Scholars

Congratulating Our 2021-2022 National Scholars Each year the Girls Inc. National Scholars Program receives over 125 applications from girls across the U.S. and Canada. It is a competitive application process, with only 40 girls earning scholarships. This year, three girls across the Girls Inc. affiliate network were awarded the

Welcoming New Leadership

We are honored to introduce Kate E. Phelan as our 2022-2023 Board President & Chair, and welcome two strong, smart and bold female leaders to our Board of Directors, Dr. Angelica Loera Suarez and Renee Van Dorne. Kate E. Phelan, Senior Vice President, Managing Director of Trust Advisory –

An Amazing Partnership- Agency Ingram Micro

Partnerships with corporations only make Girls Inc. of Orange County stronger, and able to pass that along to our strong, smart, and bold girls! Girls Inc. of Orange County’s (GIOC) partnership with Agency Ingram Micro (AIM) has elevated the look, feel and presence of the Girls Inc. brand for

Happy Father’s Day from Girls Inc. of Orange County!

Many years ago, we created Dads for Daughters, an auxiliary group of Girls Inc. of Orange County, to highlight the important role dads (and male role models) play in supporting girls in becoming strong, smart, and bold. Men can be powerful allies and partners in creating a more equitable

Equality Can’t Wait

208 Years.  At the current pace of change, it will take 208 years to reach gender equality in the U.S. As one of the 10 finalists in the Equality Can’t Wait national challenge, Girls Inc. thinks this is too long. Meet the Equality Can’t Wait Finalists - Equality

2020 Virtual Eureka! True Crime and Crime Scene Investigation Edition

Zarina Yunis September 2020 Girls Inc. of Orange County has held its annual signature summer camp Eureka! for the past 21 years and Summer 2020 was no exception. Even in light of the coronavirus pandemic, the camp was operated utilizing an online model and condensed into a two-week program.

A Letter to the Girls Inc. Community

6/04/2020 A Letter to the Girls Inc. Community To our Friends, Family, Supporters, and Partners: Today I am heartbroken. I am heartbroken for George Floyd and his family. I am heartbroken for 17-year-old Darnella Frazier, who took the video of Mr. Floyd’s murder and watched him die. I am

Corina, how has GIOC supported you during COVID-19?

In a time where most jobs, internships, camps, and classes have been canceled or postponed, Girls Inc. is the most reliable and helpful organization that continues to offer support to me despite all obstacles. Since social distancing began Girls Inc members have continuously reached out to me and have

A Special Message to our Girls Inc. Family

Dear Friends, Our work never stops!  Now more than ever, the Girls Inc. of Orange County team is committed to serving our girls, staff, supporters, volunteers, and friends. We want to ensure you that our work goes on, and is more important than ever as we face uncertain times. Now

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