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Stronger, Smarter, and Bolder: Girls Take The Lead 

by Laurie Goodman  We know that when girls succeed, we all succeed.  For the first time in history, we know that a significant amount of our leaders will be women.  This means that girls need the best possible preparation to step into these roles.  Despite the inherent promise that girls

Girls Inc. OC Externship Program Part 2: Externship Placement

By Zarina Yunis As a teenager just starting on my journey, my 2019 externship placement was one of my most memorable experiences. Having the opportunity to work and learn at a top Orange County company at this stage of life was so rewarding. This summer I was placed at

Girls Inc. OC Externship Program Part 1: Development Days and Training Week

By Zarina Yunis One of Girls Inc. OC’s flagship programs held every summer is their Externship Program. This program is designed to give high school sophomores and juniors the opportunity to explore potential career interests at various summer placements. The application process starts with an informational meeting, followed by

#GIRLSTOO Teen Town Hall

By: Zarina Yunis The movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault reached an international audience in late 2017 after several American actresses shared their experiences with sexual harrassment publicly using the #MeToo on their social media accounts.  Tarana Burke, a social activist, originally coined the phrase back in 2006,

PIMCO: An Education in Financial Literacy

By Zarina Yunis Girls Inc. OC is continually offering programs to help the girls affiliated with them to be Strong, Smart and Bold. Part of this effort entails educating young women to be prepared to go out into the world with the tools they need for success. One key

National Girls Inc. Week: May 6-10, 2019

Be Upstanding: Taking Action to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Violence For girls to reach their full potential, they must be safe.  Sexual harassment and violence is an epidemic that starts young. About 7 in 10 girls experience sexual harassment at some point in high school. About 1 in 4

A Girl’s Voice

By Laurie Goodman I recently visited the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam and it was a great reminder that every girl’s voice matters.  It can matter the whole world over.  A simple account of a 12-year old’s life in hiding during WWII has sold over 30 million copies, translated

Mental Health Month

By Laurie Goodman May is mental health month.  Good health is one of our most basic needs, including mental health.  The Journal of the American Medical Association says that half of American children with a mental health condition (1 in 7) go untreated.  Untreated mental illness in children pose


by Laurie Goodman and Olivia Haagenson What were Girls Inc. girls up to this summer?  Eureka! girls were learning to engineer a chair out of paper, code a robot to go through an obstacle course, and analyze a crime scene to name just a few.  Each July, Girls Inc.

Macy’s Day

by Laurie Goodman On June 27th, 85 excited teen girls boarded buses to attend one of the highlights of the Externship Program, Macy’s Day at South Coast Plaza.  Macy’s welcomed Girls Inc. Externs into the store for a day of shopping, mentoring, workshops, and lunch. Macy’s is there for families

Girls Meet the Workforce Workshops

By: Zarina Yunis Girls Inc. OC continually provides opportunities to motivate girls to pursue their field of interest and help them believe that they are smart, strong, and bold young women. This year, Girls Inc. held five STEM-related workshops at Google, DPR Construction, Payoff, Arbonne, and Column Five. As a

Girls Action Network

Metzli with Senator Elizabeth Warren by Jessica Ross, Externship Coordinator This year Metzli Reyes, one of our Girls Inc. of Orange County participants from Anaheim High School, was selected by Girls Inc. National as 1 of 10 girls to join the Girls Action Network (GAN). There were

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